Saturday, April 30, 2011

near death

Ok maybe the title will get you in and perhaps FOLLOW MY BLOG! I put up a cute little sign and everything. I know you all are reading though, and I appreciate it very much. However, my ego needs the follows. My soul needs to write. Can't we all get along?

So, here is the near death as promised. As I was taking the auto egg turner out of the incubator yesterday, I dropped an egg. A duck egg. I quickly put it back in the incubator and did a little duck prayer energy light thing for it. So, tonight, I wanted to candle my eggs before I went on *lock down* and I checked the broken egg. That ducky is still alive. Phew. Now I need to keep it alive. More light, energy and prayers sent. Yes, I can pray and blog. You just missed the pause, while I visualized pure light embracing the egg and saw a good healthy duckling.  No big mystery. You can ask for what you want. God doesn't always say yes. But the asking... that is hope. Hope is the belief that things will work out. Hope sustains the spirit in the worst of situations. Hope does not have to come near death. Hope can be in the same place at the same time with joy. Because joy is hope, only manifested.

I hear peeping in the eggs. It is early for that, but my neighbor Shirl told me his banties always hatched before the others. Shirl is right about many things. He is a simple man. Not stupid, but he lives a simple life. He grows a garden every year, he has chickens, and dogs. He likes to hunt. He cuts and stacks his own wood. He keeps his property neat and tidy. He likes to talk. He is a faithful Christian, He lost his wife recently to cancer. He has grown up children and grown up grandchildren. He is alone most days, working. I see him sometimes during the day and try to catch his eye and wave. I want him to know I appreciate him. I know I have talked about him before. Funny, or interesting at least, I have way much more in common with him than I do with most people.Yes, so the banties are coming early. Everybody else is due to hatch on Tuesday.They are the itty-bitty cream colored eggs pictured below. Shirl didn't think they were fertilized, but he told me to give them a try. I cant wait to see him tomorrow.

most of the chicken eggs were on the turner, the duck eggs I turned by hand

Speaking of chicks... the president day chicks have decided they are big enough to do some free-roaming. During the bad storms that hit the South and came up here in WV, I had moved them to the little red barn. I knew that their temporary housing would not withstand fierce winds. They were confused, but seemed to adjust to the new surroundings. I kept them in there yesterday, because I was not going to be home all day. I like to keep a close eye on outdoor newbies. So today Rusty and I were trying to gather them and bring them back to the temporary run. Well, catching that many chickens proved to be difficult. One panicked cheep-cheeping from one chick makes them all panic. So we decided to just open the door and lead them up. Well, they found some fresh green grass and deep dark moist earth and happily began free roaming. They all stayed nearby and found the coop when they wanted to rest. Like they had been doing this all along! Meany pants, the Rhode Island Red Rooster chased the little chicks. The littles were from a hatch after the Pres Day chicks. So we caught only the young-ins and are keeping them within the safety of the run. The President Day chicks are now free roamers! Tonight is the first night closed up in the coop. Rooster is in the barn perched above Deer the goat's stall. She can take him. The knee bone is connected to the leg bone. So. of course the coop was moved to where I thought was a better place for my chickens. I am always re-arranging things.

Rusty got his portable electric fencing up for the goats so we can pasture them. Of course my buck got out a few times. No brain no pain. But my poor deer's first experience was licking the pretty yellow plastic that held the electrified wire. Zap. In the mouth! It was hard for me to see. She tested it out one more time, then stayed away from it the rest of the afternoon. It was hard to coax her out of the pen to go to her stall. Poor girl. But she has her own place to sleep and I have her food and fresh water waiting for her in her stall. She even had a surprise carrot in there. That eased my guilt. I am pretty sure she is with kid. I am watching her milk bag, as that will be the only sign to tell me she is near ready to give birth. I am hoping for a doeling. One buck is enough. I want the gentleness of the females and of course I want goats milk!

Speaking of goats. I have been talking to a really nice lady who breeds myotonic goats. She just had a doeling born and sent me the photo. OMG cute. Big ears and white with very light cream spots. Her mom is a beauty and I fell in love instantly. I hope she sells her to me. She has several nanny goats that are kidding and she might keep one. I need to write her and see how she is doing. Her, as in her and the goat.

I was going to go to the market to sell plants this weekend, but I think I will give some of my plants another week to mature. The ones that are planted in the garden have found their "legs" and seem to have perked up. I have seeded a bunch more Summer crops and they should be peeking up through the dirt soon. They are now in my warm sun room, germinating. I need a greenhouse. I am going to have one. Watch and see. Oh and there is two rows of carrots planted by moi.

The baby bunnies are growing overnight. They are four different colors. I am unsure of what to call the colors with the exception of one true blue. I will post their pictures up for my rabbit friends to have a look. They are so darn cute. Tiny bunnies, tiny ears and noses and feet. They no longer look like mice. Yoda, their Dad got to spend late afternoon into evening in the chicken run. I was so busy at the end of the day that I did not go to bring him in until dark. Usually he will hop away, not wanting to be caught and brought back in. But tonight, the sun was down and he was out there just still. He was not scared. Just still. Sort of in a bunny meditative state. I picked him up and told him he was a very good bunny and tucked him back in his cage for the night.

All is calm. All is well.

From wild and wonderful West Virginia I send you brightest blessings.

Friday, April 29, 2011

wild frog winds

A whole bunch of tornadoes are coming through the mountains tonight. My weather-girl powers are now activated. As I wrote in previous posts I have a little obsession with the weather. Well, more than a little. Probably a medium obsession. Okay it gets ugly sometimes.

Our weathermen here are not used to these sort of storms that produce tornadoes, straight winds or hail and the like. They are trying their best, but all show signs of nervousness and lots of  stuttering, sweating and apologizing. As a strong cell passed by one of the local TV stations I could actually hear it through the forecaster's microphone. On another station, the stations reports took cover and left only the one weatherman talking. They came back eventually. Then the news lady started asking dumb questions. The weatherman was trying to accommodate her, but there was so much activity and he was trying to warn people to seek shelter in certain areas. Yes, I was channel surfing for more data.

Right now I can see there is another major storm coming on the radar. I am on weather duty. Everybody else went to bed.

Deer my nanny goat is closed in her stall. I prepared for it earlier. The older chickens and my younger flock are in the small barn with her. The buck and the pig have the outer building. I left two rabbits in their hutches. They are super protected. I did bring in Tahoe, my doe who has the four kits inside to a freestanding cage. The babies just opened their eyes like, today, so now they can see Momma! Tahoe does not like it. Rabbits nurse their babies once or twice a day. It is very quick. Now they are following her and she suddenly finds herself being attacked by her own offspring! Imagine.

Another warning now...
Tornadoes in the WV mountains?


I am back We lost our internet while I was writing this post. It has been off for a day or so. We made it through, with no damage. However, I am filled with a sense of sorrow for my neighbors to the South. Luck of the draw. That is how it happens.

I was going to write about a frog I found on my wall the night of the tornadoes. It must have come in when I had the window open, before the storm. I caught it with a mason jar and of course took a few pictures of it. Maybe it was a magical frog that kept us safe. Maybe it was just a frog. It seemed a bit magical at the time though. Take a look at the photos and decide for yourself.

radar frog

the law of three

thank you frog

How very precious life is.


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

bee girl

I sent a woman a link to my blog post: bunnies birds beer cans and bees who goes by Bee Girl. Here is what Bee Girl replied: , "Wow!!! Great pics... awesome blog... happy bees! Yup... you've got a whole lot of girls in there. The yellowish color soaking though is propolis, it's a bee "glue" or "cement" that they use to plug any drafts to keep their babies the per...fect temperature all year round. They will also use it to mummify any predators that get into the hive and can't get out after beeing stung to death. It is also being seen to "entomb" pollen that makes it into the hive in the bee's pollen baskets that contains a high number of pesticides. Propolis has antiseptic, antibiotic, antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties, and humans use it in pill and tincture form to fight colds, flus, and fungal infections." 
Bee Girl is great. If you go to her facebook page, make sure you like her and check out her latest photo. It is stunning. She teaches beginning bee-keeping, consults, does hive maintenance, health maintenance, education, honey spinning, referrals, you name it. She has offered to help me get equipped before our hive gets moved from the house to hive boxes. I wish she lived nearby, or even someplace drivable, but she is in Oregon. Great for those of you out on the West Coast. I would love to hang out with her and see how it is done. Especially from somebody who is so enthusiastic! Her name is Sara, but I love to call her Bee Girl. She is a super hero in today's efforts to keep bees happy, healthy, and alive and educate others in the process. It is alarming to read about Colony Collapse Disorder. Bees pollinate many agricultire crops. Probably more than you know. So a super hero she is. She is the new Wednesday's Wild Woman, here at crow. Way to go Bee Girl
"The yellowish color soaking though is propolis" Bee Girl

Monday, April 25, 2011


Yesterday in heart's desire I revealed that I have a *plan. I said, "I am content to continue on here". Here, meaning the physical. Here, meaning the spirit. Here, meaning what I manifested. Yes, I take all credit for my own happiness. I surely took the rap for everything else that fell apart around me. I made it easy for others to blame me, because I blamed myself. Even the blame that couldn't conceivably be brought on by any action or in-action I could have made.

Content, is not a dead end. I have found a certain ease at this phase in my life. It is probable there will be times I don't feel this way. Life happens. I get that. However, I am going to get while the getting is good. Not to be confused with getting good-er at getting good. One is about taking, and one is about receiving. Both are all about being grateful.

Here are my short term goals.
  1. Get physically stronger
  2. Obtain a breeding pair of Myotonic goats
  3. Paint more
  4. Prepare for a whole bunch of hatching fowl
  5. Write more
  6. Go on more adventures
  7. Start a clean-up congregation for the Upper Bluestone River
  8. Find a good EA buck
  9. Support Sophia at the WV SS Fair (States)
  10. Begin my rare or endangered livestock plan
  11. Cook and clean more (half hearted about the cleaning)
  12. Meditate more
  13. Seed, plant, and grow more crops and herbs
Not necessarily in that order.

For now, that is my *plan. I think it is a pretty good list. Getting gooder at getting good and getting the good while the getting is good. Good enough. ~crow


*plan may change at anytime for any reason

Sunday, April 24, 2011

hearts desire

I have a plan.

How long have I had no plan, other than to just survive? My focus was to make it through. Nothing more, no grand plan. I was working hard to overcome. To get over it. To make sense of. Then I would rest and do it all over again.

I never thought  would make it here. Here, as in in the mountains. Here, as in having enough. Here, as in present in my body, and not caught in my mind, so my soul could settle and be settled.

If somebody asked you if you could do anything, no money constraints or any limitations... What would you do? Hearts desire. Can you name something?

When I was asked that by one of my spiritual teachers, I paused. I had never really thought about that. No holds barred? I think I gulped down some air with a nervous swallow and had no answer. I tried. I really did. But there was nothing that stood out in particular. I was too busy surviving to ever think about an idea as luxurious as that.

Fast forward to now. Here I am. Living my dream. I love the mountains. I love walking outside of my door. I love my old creaky house with the bathroom that is screaming to be remodeled. I love my children and my husband, I love my farm. I love each animal. The last couple of days as I went to feed and water everybody, I have stopped and just sat with the animals. I don't touch them or speak to them during these times. I just sit quietly and watch them. I absorb the energy they put out so effortlessly. Each one content to be here. Each one grateful. Each one in their bodies. Nothing but pure being alive. As I am.

It is quite simple. However us humans are always reaching for more. Something. Meaning, or stuff or money or recognition. Something. We want it.

I am at a place in my life where I can say without hesitation, that I am where I should be, doing what I should do. So ask me now Katy. I have an answer for you. It took a few years, but I do have an answer.

Yes I have a plan. To continue the same. Within this familiarity within my dream, is where I want to be. Content to continue on here.


there are lilacs here