crow pages

Thursday, March 22, 2012

good medicine



  1. Awwwwwwwwwwwwww! They are sooo cute!
    And now I feel better :-) Goat kisses???

  2. Their mums must be very proud. Beautiful.

  3. OMG they are just the cutest little things! So cute in fact I could eat 'em up.

    Looking at the glow on your face, I can see it's good medicine alright.

    Nice to see you around. :-)

  4. I want one! How cute, and you looks so happy to have them around.

  5. Oh my! And now I know why I want goats!...:)JP

  6. So, so cute! Just love those goat babies. We should have some too, later this month.

  7. They are such sweet little critters.

    You look pretty good, too.

  8. You live a wondrous life... one everyone should. to be in touch with animals and real life. That is living.
    Your animals are beautiful. I love them.

  9. Sorry about the deleted comment, missed a word or two...duh.
    Stopping by to check on you.....hope all is well, and you're busy with new Spring births.
    Such precious little goats, you look proud ;)

  10. I got to thinking about you and realized you hadn't posted in forever so I thought I'd come by and say hi. Hope all is going well - it sure gets busy this time of year on farms!

  11. Crow, where the heck are you...I haven't heard from you! Are all those new "kids" keeping you busy???...:)JP


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